Service Inner

Blues Creek Custom Guitars

Blues Creek Guitars will work with you in completing a custom designed guitar to
fit your playing style and astetic. Master Luthier, John Hall will create a unique
guitar to your specifications

Please view Blues Creek Guitar’s custom gallery of past built custom guitars and
Blues Creek Guitars for sale.

A custom part of a guitar

Blues Creek Custom Guitars

Blues Creek Guitars will work with you in completing a custom designed guitar to
fit your playing style and astetic. Master Luthier, John Hall will create a unique
guitar to your specifications

Please view Blues Creek Guitar’s custom gallery of past built custom guitars and
Blues Creek Guitars for sale.

[ultimate_carousel slides_on_desk=”1″ slides_on_tabs=”1″ slides_on_mob=”1″ infinite_loop=”off” autoplay_speed=”9000″ next_icon=”ultsl-arrow-right6″ prev_icon=”ultsl-arrow-left6″ dots=”off”]

Blues Creek Custom Guitars

Blues Creek Guitars will work with you in completing a custom designed guitar to
fit your playing style and astetic. Master Luthier, John Hall will create a unique
guitar to your specifications

Please view Blues Creek Guitar’s custom gallery of past built custom guitars and
Blues Creek Guitars for sale.

A custom part of a guitar

Blues Creek Custom Guitars

Blues Creek Guitars will work with you in completing a custom designed guitar to
fit your playing style and astetic. Master Luthier, John Hall will create a unique
guitar to your specifications

Please view Blues Creek Guitar’s custom gallery of past built custom guitars and
Blues Creek Guitars for sale.

A custom part of a guitar

Blues Creek Custom Guitars

Blues Creek Guitars will work with you in completing a custom designed guitar to
fit your playing style and astetic. Master Luthier, John Hall will create a unique
guitar to your specifications

Please view Blues Creek Guitar’s custom gallery of past built custom guitars and
Blues Creek Guitars for sale.

[ultimate_carousel slides_on_desk=”1″ slides_on_tabs=”1″ slides_on_mob=”1″ infinite_loop=”off” autoplay_speed=”9000″ next_icon=”ultsl-arrow-right6″ prev_icon=”ultsl-arrow-left6″ dots=”off”]

Blues Creek Custom Guitars

Blues Creek Guitars will work with you in completing a custom designed guitar to
fit your playing style and astetic. Master Luthier, John Hall will create a unique
guitar to your specifications

Please view Blues Creek Guitar’s custom gallery of past built custom guitars and
Blues Creek Guitars for sale.

A custom part of a guitar



Contact Info

John F. Hall, Jr. Blues Creek Guitars Luthier & Owner

(570) 682-8046

(570) 682-3962

244 Forest Drive Hegins, PA
17938 USA

Get In Touch

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